BPS Deals With Several Weapons Related Incidents
Within one 24 hour period Brandon Police were called to three separate incidents allegedly involving weapons. The first two such cases took place Thursday afternoon. In one case a 37-year-old Brandon man was arrested after uttering threats to a woman who claimed the man said he had a pistol and was going to shoot her. Police searched the man’s residence around 1:00 p.m. Thursday and no firearm was located. The man appeared in court on Friday.
Second incident:
Another incident occurred Thursday afternoon involving a 36-year-old man who BPS arrested for mischief under $5000.00 after an officer located the man walking into traffic in the 1000 Block of Victoria Avenue. The suspect initially resisted arrest but once police made their arrest they discovered a pipe in his jacket. He has a February court date
Third weapons-related incident
Officers responded to a fight outside a residence on 20th Street North at approximately 1 a.m. Friday. One of the males at the scene was sprayed with bear spray. He was uncooperative with BPS officers and made an assault complaint. Two other males were observed nearby and fled on foot. One of them was caught after a brief chase on foot. He was found to be intoxicated and in possession of a can of bear spray. The male, a 15-year-old youth, is charged with Possession of a Weapon and Consuming Alcohol under 18 Years. He was lodged until sober and released to appear in court in March.